a run is better than a re-run (revisited)

I’ve decided to run a 5k. My first run, ever.

woo-hooActually, I didn’t really decide to do it. It was somehow decided for me. In the course of idle conversation with a friend whose husband and kids ran a 5k the morning before, suddenly the two of us were committed to running the same in exactly eight weeks.

I may not be sure how I ended up making that commitment, but I’m glad I did. I believe I can and I will. Yes, I’m scared of making a fool out of myself – mostly by having a time comparable to the world’s worst marathon runner. Yet I got on the treadmill this morning and did surprisingly well. Maybe, just maybe, I can get through this and not only have a successful run, but within a moderately successful time. After all, I can walk it in less than forty-five minutes.

Wow, that’s more than I ever would’ve thought I could do

only a few short years ago. But since then I’ve been through hell & high water and survived. Now I’m ready to willingly take on some challenges outside my comfort zone, even my general “desire” zone. I’m picturing myself crossing that finish line with my friend’s teenage daughters, who finish well before me, cheering me on.

This will involve some other challenges for me as well, such as tossing a few dearly-held habits. Maybe coming to terms with one or two medical realities. Probably should invest in some running gear. I know I’m going to have my ups and downs in my desire to run this thing, but I am going to do it.

When I was going through the aforementioned hell & high water,

I frequently would hear the frustrating words, “everything happens for a reason, and someday you’ll understand.” I still don’t know if I believe that. Years ago my dad told me this: whether life is good or life is bad, we always think it’s going to stay that way. Meaning, life has its ups & downs and we tend to be pretty short-sighted when we’re in the middle of either state. I think I follow my dad’s way of thinking a little bit more. Not that I have to discard one belief to accept the other, but my pragmatic side is overruling the mystical in this case.

Still, lessons learned and applied during hard times make the good times better, and challenges taken on as a result of growth keep life from being re-runs. I’ve faced tough times before, but never those that changed me as deeply as what I faced three years ago. I think they changed me for the better, and that will make the good times really good. I just hope the good times last a while. I’ve earned it.


Time IIUpdate:

Since I first ran this piece in January, I’ve tried training for a 5k twice, and found my body won’t go for it. I can walk endlessly at a very brisk pace, but shift into running and everything falls apart. I’m proud to say I tried and I’m also glad I was smart enough to quit before trying a third time.

I’ve also started to see some possible purpose come into my life

from those trials of recent years. I continue to resist the idea that “everything happens for a reason” because it hurts to believe there could be justification, if you will, to the malicious deeds of others. But life goes on in a good way, and I continue to grow.

Image Credit: (clock) © Jakub Krechowicz; calendar © Stillfx — both, DollarPhotoClub.com

19 Replies to “a run is better than a re-run (revisited)”

  1. Belinda, until a year ago I believed I couldn’t run. But in April I ran my first 5k. My goal was only to run the entire thing. It didn’t matter how long it took I just wanted to run it. I trained and I did it!! Running is so hard for me. But now I want to do another one. Let us know if you try again.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I will. I may try again next spring. I’m back on the treadmill 5-6 days a week walking, but upping it to running has really been problematic. However, it may have been bad timing with some health issues. I’m scared, frankly, to try again right now because it got kind of serious…but I’m not sure if the running had anything to do with it or just aggravated an already bad situation. Anyway, thank you! And oh yes, I stopped worrying about time. Finishing would be enough for me!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I didn’t have an app — I don’t even have a smartphone yet (it’s coming soon!) — but I used the Mayo Clinic’s training plan, which I found online.
          It’s quite likely the whole thing was incredibly poor timing, but I’m not ready to test that theory quite yet.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually, that whole thing may end up being a topic for a post or two in and of itself. I ended up quite sick and could hardly walk to my kitchen, let alone through a 5k. I can walk that distance without a problem, but now I’m getting motivated — almost — to try the running thing again. We’ll see!

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  2. Good job for trying! Making that first step, without knowing what the outcome will be, is the scariest and hardest thing to do. It also takes a lot of strength to realize “not today, maybe tomorrow.” We need to be aware of our (realistic) limitations so that we don’t injure ourselves more.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Belinda, when I was young I was a long distance runner, although not a very good one. I got shin splits really bad. My doctor advised me to give up running because my feet weren’t built for it. After a few more years of pain, I did as he said. I have not run since. There is no shame in walking. Running is much harder on your body because of the jolting. People keep trying to get me to do 5ks, it seems to be the thing, but I refuse. I now have planar Fasciitis and under no circumstances will I run or jog and I’m okay with that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If that’s what my body wants me to do, I have no issue with it. Walking, as I understand it, has the same cardiovascular benefits as running. For me it was as much about doing something I’d never done before, or thought I could do, or even really wanted to do. I may try it again because I think the limitations weren’t necessarily related to running, but who knows what our lives will look in six days let alone six months!


  4. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!! I’ve never ran a 5k. But just like you, I have tried training for one countless times. It really is frustrating! I totally understand. I’m just not a natural born runner. Oh wait, I ran my first 5k in May actually! Funny thing is, I didn’t train for it… but I finished in 30 minutes! I think the biggest part for me was doing it with friends who wouldn’t let me quit! I was absolutely dying by the end and couldn’t wlak for days, but I’m super proud now to say that I did it! 🙂 Which reminds me, I should sign up for one soon! Maybe that’ll give me back my workout motivation….

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have more questions about your past that you allude to so I’m curious to read more. As for running, have you tried a run/walk program? I didn’t check where you are… in Canada, there is the Running Room and a few other places that offer this type of training for runs of all distances. There is no need to run all of a 5K. Have you looked at race walking? It’s astonishing how fast the sport is! While I wish I could keep running, I can’t. I recently found out I have arthritis in my knees. I’m sad but I want my body to stay in one piece. Good luck with whatever you choose!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your interest, it’s very affirming! I’m in the States. I do walk A LOT so if I never run, I’ll be okay with it. As for my past, well, stay tuned…but it’s very painful and personal, so details may be scant until I’m really ready to share!

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