Sweet Slumber…please….

Oh, let me curl up in a little ball and sleep until I feel better.

bigstock-146697488-convertedI don’t mean to be a baby. I’m just miserable. I’m certainly not as sick as some people I know, I mean, so far this appears to be a simple cold. I’ve been sicker, a lot sicker. I almost would prefer to be a little (let me stress, little) bit sicker so I’d be more likely to do what I most want to do, sleep, blissful sleep.

But I’m feeling well enough that I want to do things. I know if I do, I’ll make it worse for myself and then there’s a good possibility I really will be sick. Years ago a doctor told me the worst thing you could do when you started feeling better was go back to work, or your regular routine, that same day. You needed to give it one more day, or you’d relapse.

Been there, and it isn’t pretty.

So forgive me, fellow bloggers, for my lack of attention to your posts. I hope to catch up soon.

For now I’m going to bed….

Image © Bigstock

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