Changing Habits and New Year’s Resolutions and Such

I’ve vowed to start eating healthier, and that includes cutting back on my Diet Coke intake. A friend suggested I try flavored waters, and I was delighted to find cherry limeade flavored water at the local Neighborhood Market. Problem was, once I switched addictions from Diet Coke to cherry limeade flavored water, I discovered the my new favorite contained aspartame. So I’m back at square one, with a refrigerator full of both soft drinks. Okay, I’ve cut down on the Diet Coke and at work I drink lots of water. But at home I’m not sure I’m much better off.

Changing habits is never easy. I hear that sitting is the new smoking and I just don’t know how to keep from sitting as much as I do at home. I’m trying to cut down on screen time as well, but I’m having a hard time coming up with alternatives. Yes, I can read, and I do that, but one of my alternatives to watching TV is to write and that puts me plunk in front of my computer screen. Yes, I could get out and walk, and I do that, but that doesn’t take up as much of my time as I’d like. So I end up watching a lot of TV, reading and writing, all of which have me sitting.

I’m fortunate in one sense that my current job has me on my feet a lot, moving around quite a bit, so I keep myself “active” in that way. It’s not the same as aerobic exercise but it’s certainly better than sitting at a desk all day. I do sit for a couple of hours a day, but the rest is up on my feet.

I say it again: changing habits is never easy. At least, changing some habits isn’t easy.

I’m lucky that I’m relatively healthy. Sure, I could lose ten pounds (and there we go with that changing habits thing again), but a recent physical and the resulting blood work showed some positive results, better than I expected.

But I need to change some habits, so this year, for the first time in decades, I’m making some New Year’s resolutions. I’m going to exercise more, drink more plain water and eat healthier. I have a plan for each and I’ve already started to implement these plans (why wait?).

My cats have agreed to hold me accountable. Okay, I’ve developed some other accountability systems, hopefully better equipped to help me than my cats.

So here I go…

Image Credit: ©Tierney –

10 Replies to “Changing Habits and New Year’s Resolutions and Such”

  1. I could recommend a book that publishes a little later in January though I’m not sure if it’s available outside of the UK but you could check on Amazon. It’s based on neuroscience and shows you why willpower alone won’t change habits. I’m reviewing it on my blog on 21 Jan (pub day). It has the forthright title of Why The F*ck Can’t I Change by Dr. Gabija Toleikyte. I found it fascinating and am going to try putting some of it into practice in the New Year. Good luck with your endeavours and here’s to a hopefully better 2021.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Habits can change? What a thought… Instead of thinking of changing poor habits think of adding better ones. Exercise is my fav. Eating, especially during the holidays, is too hard to change. Just add more fruit and water.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. As long as Walter and Mimi will hold you accountable… 😺 This resonates with me, though. At work I had a sit/stand workstation. Since retiring, I find myself sitting at my computer way more than I should. Getting out walking is great, but I get bored with that, so…..yes, 2021 has me looking for new ways to get healthy, also. If I could only walk away from the Nutella… absolute weakness.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, my, Belinda – your post really resonated with me. I get it! I sit doing music and I sit doing art. I sit far too much. I do take a walk every day and I force myself. After breaking my ankle in 2019, I ate far too much and continued to gain weight.
    Recently, I decided I was ready to break the cycle and I enrolled on an on-line weight loss program. I’ve lost about 10 pounds so far and it’s not a difficult diet. I’m eating what I want and just “keeping track.” I just ordered myself a tracker bracelet, because I get to eat more calories if I burn more. That’s very motivating!
    I do know that my life has changed a lot since I don’t have stairs in my home anymore. My “former life” was spent running around all day long – taking care of my household. Now that it’s just me, I am glad that I am trying something new.
    I wish you luck with your motivation to make some changes. That is the hardest part!! Once you find the motivation, then things will fall into place.

    Liked by 1 person

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