Decorating Odd Corners

I had two problems facing me in my new home: one, lack of space for my books, and two, an odd little gap between the living and dining area that looked pretty bleak.

That space might not have seemed so empty if it weren’t for the electrical outlet that became the inadvertent focal point of the area, and the lack of any sort of buffet in the dining room.With my current budget and home needs, I don’t see a buffet arriving in the foreseeable future.

Living Room wo bookcase
Blah, empty, wasted space

That space was bothering me. Then I remembered a little bookcase I had downstairs, one I’d bought on clearance several months ago from Pier One. It had been such a good price I couldn’t imagine they had any left, but it seemed so perfect for that blank spot. It looked like I was going to have to choose between moving the bookcase and finding something new for downstairs, or looking for another option for upstairs.

Lo and behold, Pier One had at least one left. However, it wasn’t available for delivery to my area. Again, I was discouraged. The right size, the right price, and a bookcase, to boot! Then I remembered I’d be visiting my mom soon, so I checked, and sure enough, I was able to have it delivered at no cost to the Pier One store near my mom.

It fit just perfectly into my car (once I took the back seats down). My return load also included a couple dozen books I’d sent my mom over the months (she reads books like I eat candy), the very books I’d known I’d be getting back and was worried about storing.

bookcase 2
The smallest change can make the biggest difference!

Bookcases are great additions to many an odd corner or space, and they’re easy to find at the right price. Check out thrift shops, discount stores and the clearance sections of your favorite stores, or build your own! One of the cutest ideas I’ve seen in a decorating magazine lately was two workbenches nailed together, one on top of the other, and painted red.

Note: those adorable elephant bookends are also from Pier One. They actually aren’t the best bookends — the trunks get in the way — but a few small, and in this case, quite old, books fit perfectly! And Pier One had nothing to do with this post. I simply happen to have done some shopping there lately!