Better Days

Is there a balance of pain?

Do people with chronic illness, loss of the precious, or injustice in their lives get a break elsewhere?

We all face good times and bad times in life. Some have chronic problems, others have temporary, albeit serious, challenges. It’s hard to view the latter as temporary, however, when the consequences can stay with you for years, decades, a lifetime.

BalanceLife isn’t always fair, and you may be faced with more dark times than others around you. The balance, as I see it, is in part how those times change you and make you a better person.

Yes, I’ll say it, the people who have been refined by fire are better people. More compassionate, more accepting, wiser and perhaps, if they’re lucky, more content, regardless of circumstances.

But in the middle of the storm, it can be difficult to face the day when you know it will be a challenge. The choice to escape, in whatever way is available to you, becomes an overwhelming temptation.

Those escapes sometimes bring their own problems. Watching television instead of taking action might drag out the time you will be facing difficulties. Drugs or alcohol, well, I don’t have to detail what they can do to you, robbing you of everything you hold dear.

Motivation becomes its own challenge. The chipper platitudes don’t always work when times are tough. It takes experience to know there will be an end to the loneliness, fear and sadness. For me, the quotes that acknowledge my pain, yet hint (at the very least) at hope are the most meaningful.

It’s darkest before dawn.

Maybe it looks like you got more than your fair share of bad times. I can’t promise there will be enough good times to offset those days, but I do believe there are better things ahead.


We are told “life is good,”  “make lemonade” and “don’t worry–be happy,” but sometimes we have to acknowledge a sorrowful time in life. If you don’t do so, you likely are compounding the problem.

But once you do, you are free to do two things: address the pain, and truly believe the sun will rise.

It may rise slowly, but one day you will look up and there it will be, high in the sky.

That’s the hope of better days.

Image Credits: (Rainbow) © Pellinni — Fotolia; (Balance) © frender — Fotolia; (Balloons) © Bigstock

9 Replies to “Better Days”

    1. I agree, you have to limit your wallowing. I just get annoyed by people who won’t acknowledge things are bad sometimes. When my stepdad died, I had a friend (who didn’t know) ask how my week had been. I told her “not so good” and why. She said, “oh, don’t be so negative. Think of your inheritance!” I said, “Peggy, he died.” She said, “but now you can get a new car! God is good!” I never spoke to her again.

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  1. This is beautiful. You are so wise, and I am guessing you are only able to write this after having learned from whatever challenges you may have faced. I deeply resonated because I have gone through some hard times and I live with a chronic illness, but I know that HOPE wins. And as long as I am hopeful about my life and my future, I am able to accept the messy parts, and even move beyond some of them as I am gainfully doing at this time in my life. Something to celebrate. Best wishes 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Yes, I’ve gone through some hard times, and I deeply resented the people who would say, “there’s a reason for this, I just know it.” I’m still not sure I quite believe that, but I am grateful for all that I’ve learned as a result. I know about chronic illnesses, too…by the way, I’m really enjoying your blog and how you find joy in everyday things.

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