What My Soul Knows

I have an important decision to make…and what I’m thinking of doing doesn’t feel right.

I won’t do it, no matter how logical may seem. I’ve learned my gut, my soul, has valuable things to say.

Seeking My WayIt’s almost as if logic and reasoning is the lazy way out sometimes, although I’ll never dismiss the necessity to reason through a life-changing or costly choice. Sometimes, however, what the prevailing wisdom might say is the right thing to do isn’t right for me.

When you know, down to your core, what you’re doing or about to do is wrong, it can be difficult to justify sometimes. The logic points one way, but the logic is missing some vital information.

There have been times when I’ve been told to trust people or trust a system I’m not familiar with, and my soul has known better. I knew once I was being led in the wrong direction by someone I should have been able to trust, desperately wanted to trust, and instead of saying, “this isn’t right,” I accepted his decisions. I was afraid not to; I had lost faith in too many people.

I should have let go. Ultimately, perhaps only a very short time later, my faith would have been restored. I likely would have found someone to trust, a person who could have provided me with the support and power I needed to rise above an impossible situation. Instead I let this individual lead me down a path where even more people betrayed me.

Q CatIt was a horrible lesson to learn. Rational thinking has its place, but you can never dismiss the weight of knowing you don’t have all the facts.

I’ll make my decisions in the future using all the resources available to me, the rational, the instinctive, and yes, the spiritual, for all of my major decisions need to be doused in prayer for wisdom.

Changing your life isn’t easy.

Images: © Geosap — stock.adobe.com

16 Replies to “What My Soul Knows”

  1. Decisions are always hard to make. But I have made my peace with them – this being not to regret my decision. Whoever I am today is a sum of all the good and bad decisions I took and I stand by each of them. Hopefully, I will have the same to say when I am older.

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    1. Yes, and you learn something with each decision. I’ve learned to pay attention to my inner voice. It’s a waste of time to moan about past decisions, but it does help to give them consideration.

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  2. I always go with my gut, Belinda. Logic goes out the window because what I feel, what I truly feel down to my vey soul, is too strong to deny. Good luck with this one. It sounds like you already know what to do.

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  3. What you wrote really resonates for me, Belinda. It is so important to use your inner voice – intuition. It is usually when I’ve ignored my intuition that I’ve had regrets.
    I think you are doing whatever is right for you. Even if it isn’t the logical path, it is the one your heart is telling you to follow. I love that you are listening to your heart!

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    1. Thank you, Judy. Intuition speaks to what we don’t logically know. I think sometimes we pick up clues we don’t how to decipher, but something internal recognizes their importance.

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  4. As your previous readers stated intuition is a powerful force and one we often ignore. Decision making should include all factors: logic, intellect, spirit, and intuition. Sometimes a life choice is just plain wrong, but sometimes it’s a matter of timing. Maybe the choice isn’t wrong, but the timing is. Unlike youth where impetuousness rules the day, growing older gives us the insight to take time and think through the decision.

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    1. Very true. Sometimes we believe we made the wrong decision because of the outcome, but who’s to say the other choice wouldn’t have been worse? Decision-making is not black-and-white. Nor is life.

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  5. Belinda, thank you for the post. I’m a great believer in heeding my gut, that six sense that tells you something’s not quite right. But this didn’t come easily. After many years of making wrong decisions, we learn to stop and think before jumping into the fire( pardon the cliche). Life is meant to teach us tough lessons, hopefully, we live to make better judgments. 🙂

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    1. I couldn’t agree with you more. I said this in response to some other comments, so forgive me for repeating myself, but I think our mind gathers information it doesn’t always know how to process. That’s part of gut instinct. The rest I don’t know, but I know it’s there, guiding me. Thank you for your comment and for all your input on my blog!

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