A Picture to Remember You By

Today I received notification of a memorial service for a woman, Rose, who’d been an active part of our congregation. I didn’t know her well and likely won’t attend the service, but the option is open to attend via Zoom, which I may do. For those of us who do use the Zoom option, the program was provided.

I opened the file and to my surprise I recognized the picture on the front as one I’d taken when Rose completed a course sponsored by my church. She was recognized during the service for her hard work and I took the picture for our Facebook page.

I was touched to realize that the final image many will have of Rose will be that photo. Looking at it with the objectivity of time, I recognized that it was a good picture of her, natural and relaxed.

Someone once called me the “church documentarian,” a title that surprised me as I primarily took pictures for the Facebook page and no formal catalog was kept. I don’t know how my priest remembered this photo and what she had to do to dig it up. It can’t be easy going back on Facebook.

It reminded me that the simplest things we do can bring blessings to others we don’t even recognize. Perhaps there weren’t many pictures of Rose available or perhaps her family was scattered across the country and no one could provide a photo in a timely manner.  I don’t know, but now friends and family will have this picture of her to remember her by.

I haven’t taken a photo for my church Facebook page in months for obvious reasons, but now I’m eager to get back to it. If you do any sort of volunteer work, formal or informal, know that what you do is appreciated.

Rest in peace, Rose.

4 Replies to “A Picture to Remember You By”

  1. This is such a touching story, Belinda. I especially was touched by your last line, “the simplest things we do can bring blessings to others we don’t even recognize.”
    I’ll share my version. I create healing meditation music on the app, “Insight Timer.” I received messages from all over the world. Recently a widow in the UK emailed me a photo of her two young daughters. It seems that all of them listen to my track “Beside Me Always” when they go to bed every night. It’s been over a year now that they have been doing that. It sure fuels me to continue sharing my music when I receive messages like that one.
    I’m so glad you made a difference with that photo and the memory it brought to you.


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