It’s National Laundry Day!

Quite timely for me, I must say, as I did a fair amount of laundry over the weekend. I’d let it pile up and finally reached a point where I needed clean clothes, so I gave in. Apparently National Laundry Day is a day to “assess our laundry habits and teach our children to develop good ones,” so I’ve done some assessing, and reached the conclusion that I’d be a lot better off if I didn’t wait until I was desperate for clean clothing to throw a load in.

One thing that usually keeps me from doing a lot of laundry at once is my fear of the vent behind my dryer catching on fire and my apartment burning down as a result. Supposedly, apartment management has people out to clean those vents on a regular basis, but I’m not so sure. So when I do throw a load in the dryer, I sometimes pause it midway to let things cool down. I have no idea if that actually does any good, but it makes me feel better. I’d clean that vent out myself if I had access to it and knew what I was doing, but I don’t.

Another reason I should throw a load in on a regular basis and not let it pile up? I place my clean clothes on my bed, and it’s a lot easier to sort through the pile and get everything put away if I don’t have three loads on there at once. Yes, I could do it one load at a time while the other loads are still spinning in the dryer, but I don’t. My typical distractedness gets me going on other projects while the wash is still in progress.

Okay, it’s easy to develop these lazy laundry habits when you’re single and only have yourself to answer to. If I had a family I know I’d be a lot more anal about getting it done properly. But other things take precedence for me, like going grocery shopping or vacuuming or sorting through the spare bedroom. Those are all things I did while also doing my laundry this weekend. Not to mention a little socializing. I do have a life.

So anyway, assess your own laundry habits and see if you can do better than I do.

Image Credits: Buried in Laundry Ā© Wayhome Studio–; Exploding Washer Ā© nosorogua–

6 Replies to “It’s National Laundry Day!”

  1. Piper LOVES when I do laundry. Trying to fold clothes on our bed is an exercise in futility. She will lay on everything and reach out to protectā€‚her pile of clothes if we try to grab them. And folding sheets…well, that’s a whole nother matter! šŸ˜¹

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  2. I do the laundry for the two of us, and I have taken to setting an alarm on my phone for when the wash load is going to end and I need to start another. I get way too distracted with other things and rely on the phone alarms to keep the process flowing. The least amount of time on laundry is the best amount of time!šŸ§ŗ

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