what the pen reveals

Sometimes, when I start to write, I’m surprised, even shocked, by what comes out.

I’ve learned something about myself I didn’t imagine was true. I work through those thoughts, and maybe I realize I’ve been holding on to some foolish beliefs without even realizing it. Other times I laugh at my words. I may only believe what I’ve written for as long as it’s taken me to write it. It rings true until I finish typing.

If I’m lucky, I find I’m wiser than I knew. Over time I’ve discovered the truth is easier to write than what I want to be true, even if the truth is painful.

I write to discover what the pen reveals. I write because it’s a part of me, a talent I was born with that needs to be honed and refined. I feel better after writing, even if what I’ve written isn’t all I think it should be.

I write because it fulfills me.

Image Credit: (typewriter) Denis Topal — Fotolia; (background) flas100 — Fotolia

23 Replies to “what the pen reveals”

        1. That’s funny, because I’d forgotten too. I thought it started on the 17th, and I was looking at the calendar and thinking, that’s odd, to start on a Thursday, so I checked my e-mails, and there it was. Of course with gmail they sort your e-mails, and I always have to re-direct the messages from these classes to my “primary”section. Good thing or this class could’ve been halfway through before I realized it. My weekend has not been that great, I’ve had some sort of bug that has wiped me out since last Monday. So it’s me and the kitties sitting in bed and watching TV day & night.


          1. Belinda, I am yet to write a post without a single typo. It isn’t likely going to happen in this lifetime – but that isn’t going to stop me. Don’t let it stop you either.


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