Danger, There’s a Breakthrough Straight Ahead

I want change in my life. And I want it now.

Problem is, some of the changes I want don’t come that easily. I look at where I am today compared to where I was three years ago, and there are some remarkable differences. There are also, annoyingly, some things that have stayed the same, and I’m uncertain how to move forward with those.

I’ve written before I believe in the power of subtle changes, and I maintain that thought. Those are the changes that can lead to the opportunities for a flash of major turnover in your life, opportunities that don’t present themselves often, but when they do, it’s so important to be prepared.

Blue Sky

It’s also critical to be open to the pain involved sometimes with moving forward. I’m facing a moment like that right now, and I don’t know how to approach it. I don’t know how to measure the problem, and therefore how to address the solution. I’m asking for help, but I don’t know if I trust those who have offered to provide me with that assistance.

So I rely on prayer and wisdom from others. Asking myself what I would say to someone if they presented me with the same questions I’m asking of those who I believe can guide me.

And putting my confusion in writing, and leaving it behind.



Photo Credit — © Bigstock.com

With thanks to Boz Scaggs for inspiring the title…and for a darn good song, too

9 Replies to “Danger, There’s a Breakthrough Straight Ahead”

  1. I’ve been in the same position, working toward change and not understanding why it wasn’t happening at the rate I wanted. From reading your post I think the book “Excuse Me, your life is waiting” by Lynn Grabhorn might help you put the last few pieces of the puzzle together. It’s only a few dollars on eBay.

    Key message in that book is to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want or don’t have but fully focus on having what you want. Hope this helps. Good luck 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s funny you mentioned Boz Scaggs for inspiring your title – as I read it, I thought,”That’s a good song theme and title!”
    Well, Belinda, I completely understand about change. There are small steps and then there are big plunges. I’m sure you’ll embrace whatever path you choose; it will take you somewhere wonderful. There’s never a wrong path – sometimes a path that doesn’t feel right has tiny forks that lead somewhere else where we might never have gone.
    Glad you are able to write to help with your confusion. I’m sending a lot of support your way with whatever you decide.


  3. I’ve told my therapist too many times the reason I’ve failed to change is that change is scarier than my misery. Misery isn’t fun but I’ve grown comfortable and know what to expect. But I know change can be for the better even if it’s difficult to know which thing to change or how to change. You’ll figure it out. And in the end if you are uncertain, give it a little more time.

    Liked by 1 person

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