Hope, Contentment, Gratitude

Some days, I feel like I can see my future, and for the most part, I’m content with what I see. Other days I’m not so sure. I suppose we all have our vision of what’s ahead and I’m lucky if I believe my options are good ones.

Yet I can’t help it, I hope for something a little better. I want some things I don’t have now, not material things (although financial security is always a good thing) but some sense of satisfaction with what I’ve accomplished.

My writing, for example. I wrote a novel, but it’s so flawed that I really need to scrap much of what I’ve written and start over. The writing is good but the plot needs some help, and some of the basics such as location need to be fleshed out. There are other flaws I’m acutely aware of but don’t know how to remedy. So I’m a little stuck, and don’t know whether to keep plugging away at this novel or start a new one altogether.

It’s an election year, and I have hope for the outcome in November–and deep fear as well. Enough said.

To be perfectly honest, hope isn’t an overriding feeling in my life. In fact, I’m greatly discouraged by much of my current situation and don’t have a lot of hope for anything changing in the foreseeable future. So I’m trying to grab hold of hope and implement it into my life. Look for the ways things could change and believe in them.

I’m grateful for much of what I have, and if I have any hope at all, it’s that those things I’m grateful for will stay in my life. My job, for example. It’s not a perfect situation–what job is perfect, after all–but I’m so thankful to be working. In the current climate I’m one of the lucky ones.

My mom and dad are both living, in their 80s and healthy, and I have hope they’ll be around for awhile. My mom just lost a close friend, a woman she’d been friends with since they were three years old, who was also healthy but died suddenly of a stroke. Barb had been playing tennis almost literally until the day she died, so losing her was a shock to everyone. I hope I don’t have that kind of shock any time soon.

Hope is a funny thing. It needs to be coupled with gratitude or we’ll get lost in the mire of what we think we’re missing. Contentment is good, and contentment with hope sounds like an ideal situation. I have a little of all of this, including the mire part, and I want more hope in my life.

But if the future rolls out the way I see it now, I’ll be okay.


Image Credit:  ©krissikunterbunt – stock.adobe.com


8 Replies to “Hope, Contentment, Gratitude”

  1. I very much relate to what you wrote, Belinda. I think there’s a very depressive atmosphere around us. Despite your blessings, there’s the imminence that it could end at any time. The virus, political climate, economic situation – so many terrible stressors surround us.
    Like you, I focus on my blessings. But there are challenges to this and it isn’t always that easy. I believe I’ll be okay – and I think that mindset is what keeps me going.
    Thanks for writing and sending you a virtual hug. I sure miss hugs in my life!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. You’re welcome, Belinda. I’m hanging in there. It’s a year since I broke my ankle. I had surgery a few weeks ago to take out the hardware. I’m still healing. 🙂
        Lots of healing in my life these day. Thanks for asking.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This post really resonates. That’s why I joined the Fearless Warrior program over at Zen Habits. It reeled me in with, ‘Living with uncertainty’, and ‘find your meaningful work’. We’re in that stage of our life where everything we dedicate out time to should be meaningful.
    The book. It sounds like you know what needs to be done, and I don’t believe it matters much if you start fresh, or work on the existing one. Maybe it was your first draft, but it has good bones. You can work with bones and add flesh.
    I have a book that’s been sitting on my desktop way too long. I’m going to work on it 30 minutes a day to start with, until it becomes habit. If you would like to work on yours at the same time, we can hold one another accountable through email. Just let me know.
    To want more, usually involves doing more, but with intention.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I have to admit I’m not committed enough to my novel to enter into any sort of accountability (I’m still processing what I need to do). However, I greatly appreciate the offer. Your response has given me great food for thought and I thank you for all you had to say.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ironically (or not because we’re all connected), I began a 30-day gratitude challenge for myself where I say something I’m grateful for out loud on social media to keep me focused. I also hope things are in our favor in November.

    Liked by 1 person

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